Do note that for all the crap we give police officers in the US, the US has one of the lowest crime rates in the world.
Compared to many places in Europe and Asia, every person of any race and gender is a lot safer here.
Norway and Denmark, the countries that always get pulled out as the hallmark of police reform and no-jail has a “rape epidemic”. Women simply can’t walk outside anywhere in Nordic countries’ cities without being harassed or raped and Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels, Paris and other major cities are following quickly where no-go zones have now been established for going on nearly 2 decades.
Other northern EU countries including the UK have crime at twice, three and four times the rate of the US which is well below the average.
We take care of our criminals way too much. More criminals should get shot and police and civilians should get full immunity for it. We should also reinstate the death penalty within 36 months of conviction for any murder while committing other crime. It would lower the crime rate significantly.